Data release for Patrick et al., 2018, Measurement of the Muon Antineutrino Double-Differential Cross Section for Quasielastic-like Scattering on Hydrocarbon at Eν∼3.5GeV
Phys. Rev. D 97, 052002 (2018)
arXiv:1801.01197 [hep-ex]
csv files containing all the cross sections, uncertainties, and correlation matrices described in the paper can be found on the arxiv or below. The cross sections are listed separately for the QE-like (CCQE0pi) and CCQE signal definitions. Model predictions for the QE-like signal are also provided.
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For information on use of this MINERvA public data or for inquiries about additional data not linked from this page, contact Heidi Schellman or Laura Fields
If you use data linked from this page, please reference the publication listed above.
MINERvA Muon AntiNeutrino CCQE Cross Sections for the QE-like Signal Definition
generated for v37 on Tue, 04 Sep 2018 02:37:34
Units are 10^-41 cm^2
The QE-like signal definition is a fiducial one, with a cut on the produced muon’s angle at 20 degrees from the neutrino beam direction. The signal is defined after all final state interactions in the nucleus have occured. No produced final state pions are allowed and no protons with KE > 120 MeV. This is similar to the CCQE0pi definition used by MiniBooNE and others except for these ficucial requirements which restrict the produced events to regions where MINERvA has good acceptance.
1 Dimensional information for Tranverse momentum
Table X :
1 Dimensional information for Longitudinal momentum
Table XI :
1 Dimensional information for Q2 integrated over EnuQE range
Table XVI :
1 Dimensional information for Q2 integrated over Enu range
Table XX :
1 Dimensional information for EnuQE from muon kinematics
Table XV :
1 Dimensional information for True Enu
Table XXI:
Bin edges
2D distributions
Note: tables are transposed relative to the paper to match the ordering in the covariance matrix
Rows are pz/Enu, Columns are pt/Q2
2 Dimensional information for muon PT vs PZ
2 Dimensional information for Q2 vs EnuQE
2 Dimensional information for Q2 vs True Enu
Table XVII : cross_sections_enu_qsq_lowangleqelike_minerva_2d.csv
2D Models
Models for PT vs PZ, Figures 13, 16, 18-20
Mathematica Notebook to calculate chi2 for pzpt
data for the generator level CCQE cross section definition
MINERvA Muon AntiNeutrino CCQE Cross Sections for the ccqe Signal Definition
generated for v37 on Tue, 04 Sep 2018 02:48:55
Units are 10^-41 cm^2
The “ccqe” signal definition has a cut on the produced muon’s angle at 20 degrees from the neutrino beam direction. The interaction inside the nucleus is required to be either a pure charged current interaction on a nucleon or a 2p2h interaction.
1 Dimensional information for Tranverse momentum
Table XXV :
1 Dimensional information for Longitudinal momentum
Table XXVI :
1 Dimensional information for Q2 integrated over EnuQE range
Table XXXI :
1 Dimensional information for Q2 integrated over Enu range
Table XXXVI :
1 Dimensional information for EnuQE from muon kinematics
Table XXX :
1 Dimensional information for True Enu
Table XXXV :
Bin edges
2D distributions
Note: tables are transposed relative to the paper to match the ordering in the covariance matrix
Rows are pz/Enu, Columns are pt/Q2
2 Dimensional information for muon PT vs PZ
2 Dimensional information for Q2 vs EnuQE
Table XXVII : cross_sections_enuqe_qsq_lowangleccqe2p2h_minerva_2d.csv
2 Dimensional information for Q2 vs True Enu
Table XXXII : cross_sections_enu_qsq_lowangleccqe2p2h_minerva_2d.csv