Main INjector ExpeRiment v-A
June 11, 2007
| Overview | CD-3b Documentation| Other Documents|
Link to the Directorate Web Page for this Review
Overview of Charge and Experiment
- MINERvA Overview (pdf)
- Review Agenda (pdf)
- Review Charge (pdf)
- DOE CD-3b Scorecard (pdf with links)
- Review Presentations by MINERvA Project Team
- Project Overview (pdf)
- Scintillators (WBS 1.0) WLS Fibers (WBS 2.0) and Clear Fiber Cables (WBS 4.0) (pdf)
- Phototubes (WBS 6.0) PMT Housing (WBS 5.0) and Electronics and DAQ (WBS 7.0) (pdf)
- Scintillator Plane Assembly (WBS 3.0) Frames Absorbers and Stand (WBS 8.0) and Module Assembly and Veto Wall (WBS 9.0) (pdf)
Required CD-3b Documentation
- Final Design Drawings and Specifications to begin contruction (web page with links)
- Bid Packages
- Results of and Responses to Site Preliminary Design Review
- Construction Planning Document (pdf)
- Project Execution Plan (2/22/07 Version with signatures) (pdf)
- Resource Loaded Schedule (note: this schedule also includes tasks funded by NSF MRI grant)
- Detailed Cost Estimate (pdf)
- System Functions and Requirements Document (Conceptual Design Report) (pdf)
- Risk Management (pdf)
- Safety Documentation
- Acquisition Strategy (3.2MB pdf with signed signature page) or (323kB unsigned pdf)
- Value Management/Engineering Report (pdf)
- Funding Profile (pdf)
Other Documents
- Project Management Plan (2/22/07 Version with signatures) (pdf)
- Technical Design Report (pdf)
- Configuration Management Document (pdf)
- Quality Assurance Plan (pdf)
- Top of page