- “Measurement of the A dependence of the muon neutrino charged-current quasielastic-like cross section as a function of muon and proton kinematics at ∼6 GeV”> Submitted for publication, arXiv:2503.15047
- “Measurement of Electron Neutrino and Antineutrino Cross Sections at Low Momentum Transfer”> Phys. Rev. D 109, (2023) 092008
- “Measurement of the Multi-Neutron ν¯μ Charged Current Differential Cross Section at Low Available Energy on Hydrocarbon” Phys.Rev.D 108, (2023) 112010
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- “Simultaneous measurement of νμ quasielastic-like cross sections on CH, C, water, Fe, and Pb as a function of muon kinematics at MINERvA” Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 161801 (2023)
- “High-Statistics Measurement of Antineutrino Quasielastic-like scattering at Eν∼ 6~GeV on a Hydrocarbon Target” Phys. Rev. D 108, (2023) 032018 (2023)
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- “Simultaneous measurement of νμ charged-current single π+ production in CH, C, H2O, Fe, and Pb targets in MINERvA” Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 011801 (2023)
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- “Exploring Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the GeV Regime using MINERvA” Eur.Phys.J.ST 230 (2021) 24, 4243-4257
- “Constraining the NuMI neutrino flux using inverse muon decay reactions in MINERvA” Phys.Rev.D 104 (2021) 9, 092010
- “Measurement of inclusive charged-current νμ cross sections as a function of muon kinematics at <Eν>∼6 GeV on hydrocarbon” Phys.Rev.D 104 (2021) 9, 092007
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- “Use of Neutrino Scattering Events with Low Hadronic Recoil to Inform Neutrino Flux and Detector Energy Scale” Journal of Instrumentation 16 P08068 (2021)
- “Neutral pion reconstruction using machine learning in the MINERvA experiment at ⟨Eν⟩∼6 GeV” Journal of Instrumentation 16 P07060 (2021)
- “Data Preservation at MINERvA” Snowmass 2021/2022 Contributed paper, FERMILAB-PUB-20-492-V
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- “Probing Nuclear Effects with Neutrino-induced Charged-Current Neutral Pion Production” Phys. Rev. D 102, 072007 (2020)
- “High-statistics measurement of neutrino quasielastic-like scattering at =~6 GeV on a hydrocarbon target” Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 121801 (2020)
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- “Constraint of the MINERvA Medium Energy Neutrino Flux using Neutrino-Electron Elastic Scattering” Phys.Rev. D 100, 9 (2019)
- “Measurement of ν¯μ charged-current single π− production on hydrocarbon in the few-GeV region using MINERvA” Phys. Rev. D 100, 5 (2019)
- “Tuning the GENIE Pion Production Model with MINERvA Data” Phys.Rev. D 100, 7 (2019)
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- “Measurement of Quasielastic-Like Neutrino Scattering at ⟨Eν⟩∼3.5 GeV on a Hydrocarbon Target” Phys. Rev. D 99, 012004 (2019)
- “Reducing model bias in a deep learning classifier using domain adversarial neural networks in the MINERvA experiment” Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 13 (2018)
- “Measurement of final-state correlations in neutrino muon-proton mesonless production on hydrocarbon at ⟨Eν⟩ = 3 GeV” Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 022504 (2018)
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